Tuesday, August 26, 2008

September 8th

Our next MOPS@ meeting is on Monday, September 8th at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in San Antonio, Texas. We are very excited about this meeting because we'll be having our first speaker! Diana from Discovery Toys is going to come and talk to us about Learning Styles and Toys that can help! We are so excited to have Diana come and share her insight with us. Along with the Discovery Toys talk we are going to have a Toy/Book swap.

Toy/Book Swap Rules!
Please bring along no more than 10 books and no more than 10 toys that are unloved, but still useable and won't be missed in your house. We will have a swap of these toys and those toys and books that are not picked by other moms for their kids to enjoy will be donated! What a great time to clean out your childs closet and share with others!

Anyone willing to bring snacks and drinks please let Jamie know! We will have a sign up sheet at the meeting for those willing to bring snacks and drinks to the next few meetings!

Email mtcalvarymops (at) yahoo (dot) com with any questions! Can't wait to see you in September and don't forget we always have room for others to join our group!

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