Sunday, October 19, 2008

October Play Date

Pumpkin Farm
Meet at Mt Calvary parking lot
Thursday October 23rd 9:30am

Well, we've got something planned to get you out of the house (if you're home all day with the kiddos) and some time to actually talk to someone your own size...and age! Adult conversation! How fun! We're going to meet at church on Thursday, October 23rd at 9:30am...I know we'd all like to still be sleeping at 9:30 but who are we kidding we'll all be up WAY before then. We're going to head over to Alamo Heights United Methodist church for their little "pumpkin farm". You all know this is NOT EVEN CLOSE to being a pumpkin farm right? Just coming from a northerner and all...sorry! Anyway, it will be a good time to get the kiddos a pumpkin to "paint" since carving a pumpkin and leaving it out in this heat is a recipe for stench. And also a time to have that coveted adult conversation and a good time for the kiddos to run off some steam and maybe *cross your fingers* sleep longer at nap time.

Please join us at church and then we'll follow each other to the church...since we all have the car seats, it's just easier to follow. Please feel free to bring along other moms and their kidlets too! Have a great week till we see you on Thursday!

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