Friday, May 22, 2009

May Playdate

Thursday, May 28th, 2009
10:30am - Jamie's house
Photoshoot playdate
Come on over and get shot! We are having a children's photoshoot playdate on Thursday. We'd love to have you join us. Each child that attends will be photographed by Jamie of JT Photography. You will also receive a 5x7 of each child or group of children (you decide) and the digital file of that photograph for your safe keeping. Of course you're always welcome to purchase additional prints. There will be plenty for the kids to do while Jamie is photographing the other children. Please email us and let us know if you'll be attending this playdate! mtcalvarymops (at) yahoo (dot) com! We look forward to seeing your smiling faces on Thursday!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

April Meeting

Monday, April 13th, 2009
6:30 - 8:00pm
Mt. Calvary Parish Hall

We will be discussing the next chapter in our book "Five Star Families". Please pick up a copy of the book in the church office if you have not already done so. We will also be making a great craft that is an awesome fun and learning tool for our kids. Naomi will play with this for an hour at a time, and I can't wait for you to make your own! Please bring a child sized (or regular sized) glove (I have some extras if you don't have one) and an adult size if you'd like.

Registration Renewal

Well, it's that time of year! Time to renew our registration with MOPS International. Here's the deal. The membership fee was raised a little bit from what it was last year to $24 but if you register by May 20th you can get renewed for only $22. I know it's only $2 but in todays economy $2 is a big deal!

Here's what you get with your MOPS International Membership:
*MomSense Magazine: Bi-monthly supply of mothering encouragement
*Life on Planet Mom: A Down-to-Earth Guide to Your Changing Relationships (This book corresponds with the MOPS theme for the year: Together on Planet Mom)
*Weekly Mom-E-Mail to inspire and encourage you

Renew your membership today! Just fill out a registration form (if you haven't already) and give your payment to Amy or Jamie and we'll make sure you get registered. Please make checks payable to Mt. Calvary.


Check your mail for this handy little magnet that we'll be sending you next week. We hope to keep your more informed of what's going on so you can plan well in advance to attend our meetings and playdates. Please, as always, feel free to invite other Mother's of Preschoolers to join us as well!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March Meeting

Monday, March 9th 2009
Mt. Calvary Parish Hall

Come to our monthly meeting on Monday, March 9th at 6:30 pm for a discussion of chapters 5, 6 and maybe 7 of Five star families. Even if you can't make it to the meetings you can pick up a copy of the book in the church office. The books are $10 and the scrapbooks are $5. It's a really good book so I would suggest grabbing a copy, even if you can't come to the meetings regularly, or at all. We will also be making a really unique "stitched" greeting card that you can send to a long lost friend just to say I care. If you have a small cork board please bring that along. We hope to see you there and if you'd be willing to bring a snack or drink please let us know! Thanks!

You can check out a few pictures from our Feb. playdate/birthday party here.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

February Playdate

Two of our little ones have a birthday this month...Sophia and Kay both turn 3! In honor of the 3 year olds, let's have a birthday celebration for them.

When: Thursday February 27th
Where: McDonald's on 8631 Broadway...outside's on the left as you are driving north
Time: 11:00am

We can play, eat an early lunch and have cake. McDonalds is fine with us bringing in cake or cupcakes. Hope to see you then!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Next Meeting

Monday, February 9th
Parish Hall!
We will be discussing chapters 5, 6, and 7 in Five Star Families. Make sure to bring your book and scrapbook. We'll also be doing a super cute valentine's day craft that will look something like this. You don't want to miss it.
Please bring $1 to the meeting and a container that will safely hold 6 eggs. We'll be using egg cartons but not the eggs. So, you'll be able to leave with a great Valentine's Day gift and 6 eggs to take home and cook or bake with. Call or email if you have any questions!